Monday, May 4, 2009

Girls' Interest in Technology

The article, Promoting Girls’ interest in Technology through Technology Education, is about a study about the promotion and interest in technology for women. This study came about because there are a low proportion of women in technical occupations, studies or subjects. The study was aimed at 3rd grade boys and girls. One group was not given education about technology and the other was given formal education about technology. Then, boys and girls are given a survey both before and after the education. The essential elements of the interest were a positive emotional relationship to technological objects and actions; personal value and cognitive knowledge. The results from the study show that the interests of both boys and girls were aroused by technology education. Also, the difference in interest between gender was greatly reduced. This means that early exposure to technology education at school will lead to a higher level of technological interest of both boys and girls. As a result, they can build a relationship with technology that enables them to have long-term interests in technology.

My thoughts:
To me, this study seemed to solidify the obvious. In order for students to express an interest in a subject area, it is important for them to become familiar with it; and technology is no exception. As technology is the way of today and will be even more so tomorrow, it is vital that students get exposure to technology as early as possible. This will give all students the opportunity to set a foundation for technology. Furthermore, more students will find technology interesting and can pursue careers in technology which will benefit everyone.

Mammes, I. (2004, May). Promoting Girls' Interest in Technology through Technology Education: A Research Study. International Journal of Technology & Design Education, 14(2), 89-100. Retrieved April 27, 2009, from Academic Search Complete database.

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