Monday, June 8, 2009

A Proactive Approach to Technological Literacy

This article suggests that advocating technological literacy is important in changing the greater public’s misconceptions of what it means to be technologically literate. The article provides a few activities that technology education teachers can use to advocate technological literacy to not only students and parents but also the community. Sadly, we learn that there is only “one unit in the U.S. Department of Education, the Office of Educational Technology, promotes the use of technology as a teaching tool, but not the teaching of technology. Contrary to most of what the public believes in what Technological Literacy (TL) is, it is much more complex. Rather than being able to use computers, networks and the internet, TL means having basic knowledge of technology, ways of thinking and acting with technology and the capabilities of technology. This article calls for teachers to become advocates for TL by creating videos, PowerPoint presentations and websites that talks about what it means to be TL.

My Thoughts:
I do think that it is a good idea if teachers advocate for technology education in their schools and communities. Unfortunately, with the pressures that teachers face to bring up academic success in school, teachers are already stretched thin. I believe that some teachers, particularly the younger teachers that are more familiar and comfortable with technology will try to implement technology when possible during regular lessons. The downside to this is that not all teachers will make the extra effort to integrate technology in to their lessons. If we want our students to become TL, then the directive and the budgeting needs to come from the U.S. Department of Education. Until that happens, technology education will continue to be on the back burner.

Weber, K. (2005, April). A PROACTIVE APPROACH TO TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY. Technology Teacher, 64(7), 28-30. Retrieved June 8, 2009, from Academic Search Complete database.

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